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Harry Styles inspires Girl Scout to pass out 'Kindness Bracelets'

11th grader Adison Bradley asking people to make a single act of kindness for her Girl Scout Gold Award.

SAN DIEGO — A Tierrasanta teenager wants to create one thousand acts of kindness, one bracelet at a time. 

In this Zevely Zone, I learned about her Girl Scout Gold Award Project

It's possible for a single act of kindness to travel around the world, but to make that happen the Scripps Ranch High School junior needs a hand. "This is a sash for Girl Scouts," said Adison Bradley. Being a Girl Scout has been a lifelong love for her. "There's me as a Daisy in kindergarten, then me as a Brownie, and me as a Junior," said Adison while showing me pictures from her childhood.

Credit: Adison Bradley: Kindness Bracelets

Much like when a Boy Scout completes an Eagle Project, Adison is working on her Girl Scout Gold Award by passing out what she calls Kindness Bracelets. "We have a light pink, a hot pink, black, green, teal, orange and more," said Adison. "I've given out 1000 and we just ordered four hundred more." 

The bracelets are free but in return, Adison is asking every participant to make one act of kindness. "It can be very simple like holding the door open for someone," said Adison.  

Credit: Adison Bradley: Kindness Bracelets

The project was inspired by a celebrity. "Yes, I've been a Harry Styles fan for a very long time," said Adison next to a Harry Styles poster while wearing a Harry Styles t-shirt. 

The singer has a hit song called Treat People with Kindness and that's just what every bracelet reads. "Treat people with kindness is on the front of it and on the back of it it's hashtag TPWKGSGOLD which stands for treat people with kindness Girl Scouts Gold," said Adison.

Credit: Adison Bradley: Kindness Bracelets

Adison's father Herb put one bracelet on Cooper the family dog, but says he's inspired by man's best friend as well. "I wear it to remind myself not to yell, not to be a jerk, let people go by on the freeway," said Herb. 

Adison's mother Brenda was a Girl Scout too and also wears a bracelet. "I am. I bought food for the person behind me at Panda Express."

What's it going to take to get one of the bracelets on the wrist of Harry Styles? 

"I don't know, ha, ha," laughed Adison. 

She has seen Harry Styles in concert twice and so how about the next time that she goes to his performance? 

"Throw one of his bracelets on stage and hope that he sees it," said Adison. Or just maybe if she just keeps spreading her message, maybe the kindness movement will catch the eye of Harry Styles. 

"Would you mind passing some out to your staff as well?" asked Adison. "Of course," I said. "Which color do you think goes with my outfit?" Adison told me, "Probably the blue one."

Credit: Adison Bradley: Kindness Bracelets

A single act of kindness that started in San Diego is already circling the globe. "One of the bracelets made it to Budapest, another post from Denmark, another post from Poland, another post from Finland," said Adison while showing me her Instagram pictures. "It makes me feel good and it's exciting to hear that it is actually spreading," said Adison.  

Adison has hundreds of more Kindness Bracelets to pass out. For more information and a link to her Instagram page where you can send her a message, click here.

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