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Legendary dive coaches begging next generation to save their sport

'Sol Diving' club searching for new divers to join club at Southwestern College pool.

CHULA VISTA, Calif. — Three longtime dive coaches in the South Bay are looking for the next generation of athletes to save their sport. In this Zevely Zone, I visited Southwestern College where a new swim club is open for business. 

Even if you've never jumped into a pool in your life, legendary coaches are begging the next generation to jump in. Diving into a pool is a graceful athletic act and a whole lot of fun that hooked a young Chula Vista boy named Dan Kovar. 

"It was like love at first sight, it was like the first day this is me boom I'm done, and I haven't turned back ever since," said Dan.

Credit: Sol Diving

He got so good at diving it became a joke. "Clown diving, that was the fun part," laughed Dan who dressed up as a clown and showed off his best dives to entertain huge crowds in the 70's and 80's. Dan learned everything he knows about diving from the dive master champ Tom Crosby. 

"That's a fire dive," said Tom is now 90 years old. Tom was so good he performed in water shows as far off as Las Vegas. "Thirty-three years of diving shows consistently," said Tom. "He did 200 shows at SeaWorld a comedy routine at SeaWorld," said Tom's daughter Cari who also jumped in on the fun. 

"When you get in that water and you do that dive the first time and you do it right there is nothing like that feeling, it is so exhilarating," said Cari.  

Credit: Sol Diving

Together this crew says they invented synchronized diving. I asked them, "You're taking credit for synchronized swimming?" Dan pointed at Tom and said, "I'm not taking credit, this man is taking credit."  Cari added, "It's a very big claim." 

But if you dive into diving history, Chula Vista played a big role. A new swim club called Sol Diving is open to all levels. The new club will coach any diver from beginners to experts which is why we invited to the pool to share this message. 

Credit: Sol Diving

"I hope that it puts out some awareness into the community that this program is here," said Dan. "We have a beautiful facility down here we just need to get the word out." 

Cari added, "Diving is a dying sport no matter how you look at it. If you want to see it in your Olympics, any longer, we have to have grassroots programs."

Credit: Sol Diving

One of the Sol Diving's stars is 16-year-old Sol D'Angelo. The Mt. Carmel High School student is the defending CIF diving champion. 

"I think it's just fun. I used to do gymnastics. It was also fun but my body you could hurt yourself a lot but with diving you smack every once in a while, but it's fun and you can't really get hurt," said Sol.  

The sophomore wants to earn a college scholarship using Dan Kovar's coaching. She was unaware her legendary coach used to be a clown diver. "No, I didn't actually, I didn't," said Sol.  

Credit: Sol Diving

But just like decades ago, after the serious training ended, it was time for the athletes to blow off steam and clown around. They dressed in clown outfits and jumped into the pool.

"I've got a great idea, why don't we get Jeff on the boards?" said Cari. "It's just his size too." Cari dressed me in a clown costume for my big dive. "If you are looking for a clown you have come to the right place," I said. The crowd chanted as I climbed the ladder to the high dive. "Clown dive, clown dive, clown dive," they said while clapping.  

I'll do whatever it takes to help the sport make a big splash. Sol Diving has a GoFundMe page to help purchase new equipment for their athletes. The club is also holding an open house at the Southwestern College pool on Saturday, January 20th from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. The open house is also for athletes interested in swimming and water polo. 

For more information email Dan Kovar at DKOVAR001@AOL.COM or call 619-852-5692. For the club's Instagram page click here.  For a link to the GoFundMe page click here.

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