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Lemon Grove neighborhoods beautified by 'Busy Bees'

The Busy Bee Garden Co-Op offers free yard upgrades with native plants.

LEMON GROVE, Calif. — A group of volunteers is fixing up yards and public spaces for free in Lemon Grove. In this Zevely Zone, I profile the Busy Bee Garden Co-Op. It was on a Monday morning when I visited a Lemon Grove neighborhood that was abuzz with the busy bees. "Come on Lemon Grove, you're better than this," said a Lemon Grove resident on a video posted to YouTube. The group then decided to beautify that space with mulch and new plants. 

The Busy Bees are motivated neighbors who grew tired of seeing weeds, so they started fixing up troubled areas in Lemon Grove for free. "This is a lot of activity," said Chelsea Gastelum. I asked her why she founded the Busy Bee Garden Co-Op a year and half ago. "Because the city doesn't have the money to do it and our kids deserve it," said Chelsea. They call themselves the 'Busy Bees' because every one of their handpicked native plants will help the local bees pollinate.

Credit: Busy Bee Garden Co-Op
Credit: Busy Bee Garden Co-Op

This is the 16th time, this swarm of giving attacked an eyesore. On this project I met the Busy Bees at the Golden Avenue Apartments. That's where I asked the property manager Liz Sykes what the front yard looked like before the volunteers got to work. "Just a bunch of dirt and weeds. It's a Godsend," said Liz.  

I watched as the volunteers tackled a mountain of mulch. Gary Elbert is a 32 year Lemon Grove resident who was rolling up his sleeves. "I am contributing and making a difference which I think everyone should get involved and help in our communities and in the world," said Gary.  

Credit: Busy Bee Garden Co-Op

Jeanette Lowdon is the Busy Bee garden designer. "I love giving back to the community and one of my favorite feelings is seeing the homeowner with the happy smile. I love it. I do it for free," said Jeanette. They all do and to hear it from Teresa Rosiak it's because we're all part of of one big hive. "Your segments are wonderful they really, really are because they show what community and unity is all about," said Teresa. Next we interviewed Theo Wilson who told us he volunteers because he is inspired by Chelsea's get up and go attitude. "She is a giver I mean simply put, she is a giver. She has the most purest heart," said Theo. "Chelsea is a doer, she gets things done."

Credit: Busy Bee Garden Co-Op

Which is exactly why, they all follow the Queen Bee. I asked Chelsea is she had a job outside her volunteer work. "I am an insurance agent 9 to 5, Monday through Friday, so this totally volunteer work and it is completely opposite of what I do sitting at a desk," said Chelsea. When I told her I thought she was amazing for volunteering on her day off she told me, "But so does everybody else has this full life too and here they are."

Anyone is welcome to become a Busy Bee in Lemon Grove, for more information, click here.

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