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San Diego nonprofit helps those with development disabilities achieve independence

48-year old Justin Filley has lived alone for 25 years with assistance from Creative Support Alternatives.

SAN DIEGO — Most people don't give a second thought to choosing on their own where to live, what to eat and how to spend their money. 

In this Zevely Zone, I profile an organization called Creative Support Alternatives which has provided quality services for people with developmental disabilities since 1992. 

I made a new friend by the name of Justin Filley. The 48-year-old man was nice enough to set aside an hour for my segment because he was in the middle of a busy day. Justin had plans to visit the bank and then head to Imperial Beach to visit his best friend.

Credit: Creative Support Alternatives

It's often a common misconception that people with developmental disabilities always live in group homes or with their parents. 

"I mean there is nothing wrong with that but I prefer to be living by myself. No roommates, no drama none of that," said Justin. 

He has lived alone for more than 25 years with the assistance of Creative Support Alternatives. 

"Supported living is about people living a real life for people with developmental disabilities," program director Joshua Bellfy. 

His staff meets with Justin daily. "He gets to choose where he lives, who he works with, what food he eats, what he purchases with his own money and he gets to live the kind of life that he wants to live," said Joshua.  

Credit: Creative Support Alternatives

In fact during our shoot, Justin met one of his neighbors for the first time. "Absolutely, yes, sir," said Craig McMillan who introduced himself to Justin because he appreciates when people introduce themselves to his son Dante, who also has special needs. 

"If you just take the time to get to know someone, don't prejudge just have a conversation, say hello," said Craig.  "So I would hope that they would do that with my son." 

Joshua added, "Getting to meet a neighbor is crucial to living in supported living because if there is a fire they are going to be thinking of you what about Justin? I have not seen him out here."

Credit: Creative Support Alternatives

Living independently with a developmental disability comes with some risks. Justin has a job, he rides the bus by himself and sometimes goes out late with friends, but you could make the argument that every person on our planet lives with risk and in some way that's the definition of living your best life. 

"You know those things can sound risky sounding to let's say to the parents of someone with developmental disabilities by not allowing someone to jump in the pool they never learn how to swim," said Joshua.

Credit: Creative Support Alternatives

When Creative Support Alternatives hosts picnics, Justin says it feels like a family reunion. "You know there's hamburgers, hot dogs, frisbees, sodas," said Justin. 

When asked about living alone, Justin said, "You know sometimes it can be hard but you have to get through it. You have to push yourself harder and it's really important to live the way you want to period."

Justin believes living alone should be a personal preference. "It doesn't matter as long as you are happy and I'm happy," said Justin who wanted to send out a very special shout out. "Hi Mom, hi Dad. You are watching Channel 8 CBS News be there or be square," said Justin.  

Some people call Justin the unofficial Mayor of Adams Avenue. For more information about Creative Support Alternatives, click here.

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