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Special Olympics swimmers share journey from adoption to the podium

56-year old Betsy Cory & 46-year old Christina Principe are living their best lives at Noah Homes.

SPRING VALLEY, Calif. — Two Special Olympics Swimmers are sharing their special journey that took them from adoption to the podium. 

In this Zevely Zone, I went to Spring Valley to visit Noah Homes. 

The most important thing in life isn't how you start but how you finish. Some people in life have to sink or swim. 56-year-old Betsy Cory and 46-year-old Christina Principe were both born with special needs and both left as orphans. 

In Romania, cruel people threw rocks at Christina when she was young. "Yeah, it was bad," said Christina who was adopted and immigrated to the United States at age 14. "I was so excited and nervous and crying," said Christina.  

Credit: Noah Homes

She also found a new home in the pool where she swims like a fish. In June, Christina competed in the regional Special Olympics in Long Beach and won gold, silver and bronze medals. 

"I was like yay, exciting and happy and jumping around," said Christina.

Credit: Noah Homes

Betsy Cory is also a swimming champion. She went to the Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles in 2015 and won a silver medal. 

"That was so exciting. I was so shocked but surprised," said Betsy. 

Both she and Christina live at Noah Homes, a nonprofit organization that helps adults with developmental disabilities maximize their independence. Residents at Noah Homes enjoy lifelong independence in a community environment. The 11-acre campus in San Diego County has 10 beautiful homes where 90 adult residents are supported socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

Credit: Noah Homes

"It's really nice to watch them blossom and grow," said Kim Keane, the Director of Program Development. "I am really moved by both of their stories. They all have dreams just like the rest of us and you can see these two young ladies have accomplished their dreams and I think that is amazing."

Christina and Betsy appreciate what they have in life. 

"All the time, all the time," said Christina with a huge smile on her face. 

They want to share a message to anyone who got tossed into the deep end of life. 

"Not to give up, to keep pushing themselves and become the best they can be," said Betsy.  

As for living at Noah Homes, both Betsy and Christina plan to live the rest of their lives there. "I love living here," said Betsy. "My mom was so worried about what was going to happen to me after she passed away." 

Both of Betsy's parents passed away in the past twenty years. 

"I really thank my parents who are up in heaven for letting me come here and live," said Betsy who had me in tears. 

"You're making me get emotional," I said. 

"I know," agreed Christina. 

I added, "I am so happy for both of you. So happy. Let's hear it for Noah Homes!" 

"Yes I love it," said Christina.

If you'd like to learn more about Noah Home, make a donation, or volunteer your time, click here.

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