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Valley Center man teaches art of 'Leather Crafting'

DIY: Make your own beautiful bags, purses and wallets at Buckeye Leather.

VALLEY CENTER, Calif. — How would you like to handcraft a gift for yourself or a loved one that will last forever? 

In this Zevely Zone, I learned a new hobby at Brick n Barn in Valley Center one stitch at a time. 

When most people get bored they watch television, not teach themselves a whole new profession. "I am making something with my hands from scratch," said Benjamin Myers. It was in the hills of Valley Center when Benjamin was bored out of his mind and went on YouTube to teach himself how to work with leather. "COVID hit," said Benjamin. "This here is the first leather project I made."

Credit: Buckeye Leather

After a knife sheath, Benjamin handcrafted a quiver. "This was a big project, especially for somebody who had just started," said Benjamin. He was just getting warmed up and moved on to totes, wallets, bags and purses that come with an open invite. 

"When I started I had friends say I want you to make something for my wife and I asked them well why don't you come over and make it for your wife and I will show you how to do it," said Benjamin. 

Credit: Buckeye Leather

"Just easy, let the tool do the work," said Benjamin who offered to help me make a wallet. 

"This is very relaxing," I said. "Oh, it's extremely relaxing," said Benjamin when suddenly it sounded like someone dropped a thousand marbles on the roof above us. 

"Whoa!" I shouted. 

"Those are our peacocks, so we have about 15 peacocks," said Benjamin. 

Not just peacocks; peacocks during mating season, but this story is about Benjamin spreading his wings. With the cutting, gluing and hand stitching, I recommend letting Benjamin show you the process. At one point I was working with power tools, but oddly enough the company was named after the most serene moment of Benjamin's life.

Credit: Buckeye Leather

"I came across this gigantic buck and we were about 15 feet from each other and we just stared at each other for about 30 seconds and I remember his eye just looking at me and that's why I named it Buckeye Leather," said Benjamin. 

Credit: Buckeye Leather

He sells his products at Brick n' Barn in Valley Center which he co-owns with his wife Marlise. "I want people when they use my items to really love them. I want them to earn their patina, it's something I say so vegetable tan leather will age beautifully," said Benjamin. "These bags will last a lifetime."

It's another pandemic hobby, that proves that when we have to be, humans can be as tough as leather. "It's an incredible feeling to just look at something beautiful that you created with your own hands and then to share that with others," said Benjamin. For more information about buying or crafting your own bag, purse, or wallet, visit Benjamin's website at Buckeye Leather or go to his Instagram page by clicking here.

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