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Vista teenager wins 'BMX Racing' World Championship

12-year-old Eliza Newton races best in the world and wins top prize in Scotland.

SAN DIEGO — A Vista teenager is celebrating her World Championship win in BMX Racing. 

In this Zevely Zone, I headed to San Diego BMX to see how fast she really is. When 12-year-old Eliza Newton won third place in the world last year it was a huge honor, but waiting for the 7th grader at the finish line this year was first place.  

Credit: Eliza Newton

Here were my first three questions for the World Champ and her responses.

"You like going fast?" "Yes."

"You like getting dirty?" "Yes."

"You like winning?" "Yes."

Finding the perfect sport for Eliza had her spinning her wheels. She didn't like gymnastics, basketball, swimming or soccer but something clicked with BMX Racing. At nine years old, Eliza hopped on a bike and found the fast track to success. She has won thirty-seven national competitions but had to go to Scotland to win a world championship. 

"When the gate dropped, I came out in front," said Eliza. When I watched the race, I couldn't help but tell Eliza was way out in front. "You kind of blew them away, didn't you?" I asked. "Yeah," said Eliza who is very humble.

Credit: Eliza Newton

"I was beside myself, I was shaking and just thanking God and just crying," said Eliza's mother Danielle.  Eliza's parents are both avid cyclists. Their first date was a biking date. "A mountain bike ride," said Rob. "It was fun, and I kicked his butt," said Danielle.  

To see their only child win for Team USA? "Just couldn't be more proud," said Eliza's dad Rob.  

Credit: Eliza Newton

Eliza told me it was too soon to start talking about Olympic Gold, so I asked her parents about that possibility. 

"If that is where God has a plan for it, then we will go that way," said Rob. Danielle added, "She amazes me with her work ethic, she is always out here I always have to tell her when it is time to go home."

Credit: Eliza Newton

"What's up world champ?" said Tyler Brown. He is the owner of San Diego BMX and a two-time world champ himself. "Eliza, she is pretty easy to beat, she has not won any big titles or anything just the world championship that is all," laughed Tyler when I told him I wanted to race the champ.

"Sure. Might as well," said Eliza. One lap for all of the marbles. "In honor of her age, she gave me a 12 second head start. I've never been chased down by a cheetah in the jungle, but on that path, I was definitely the prey and Eliza, the predator, people call the Zilla Monster was on the prowl. 

"I can feel her breathing down my neck," I screamed as she hunted me down then sped by me over the finish line. "Let's here is for the champion," I yelled while eating her dust.  

San Diego BMX is open to riders of all levels, for more information click here.

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