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World War II heroes share message on D-Day's 80th Anniversary

103-year old Max Gurney tells younger generations, "Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst."

SAN DIEGO — June 6, 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day

On that historic day, Allied troops forged a path to victory in World War II. 

In this Zevely Zone, I spoke to two legendary San Diego heroes. After visiting the beaches of Normandy this week, Max Gurney will celebrate his 103rd birthday in Monaco with Prince Albert. I met Max Gurney at his home in La Jolla where the World War II veteran shared this message with younger generations. "Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst," said Max.  

Credit: Max Gurney

Army Sergeant Gurney fought battles in North Africa and Italy in World War II. 

"Sometimes you are really scared. You pray," said Max. 

He served under the command of General George S. Patton. I asked Max to describe his commanding officer. "Ha, ha, ha, determined," said Max who was sitting next to retired Navy Captain Tim McCully who will travel with Max to the beaches of Normandy. That is the legendary coastline in France where the 'Greatest Generation' showed unimaginable courage.

"They saved the world," said Captain McCully.  

When I started my career in broadcast journalism, I did a five-part series on the heroes from WWI. Sadly, those veterans have all died, but their passing serves as a reminder for all of us to celebrate our World War II veterans while we still can. 

In 2022, I went out the breakfast with the 'Old Bold Pilots.' That's where I met naval pilot Royce Williams who once shot down four Russian MIGS in 35 minutes. "It was busy and I didn't have a lot of time to do the planning," said Captain Williams.  

Royce is 99 years old and one of the most decorated naval aviators in American history.  He served in the military from 1942 to 1980. "Well I stayed for 37 years, I was in three wars I didn't get into any serious trouble I was given chances with authority and I enjoyed being a commanding officer," said Captain Williams. 

Credit: Captain Royce Williams

From Royce Williams' stories of bravery to Max Gurney's historic memories, all of their first-hand accounts need to be treasured. 

"What was the town where Mussolini's villa was located?" asked Captain McCully. 

Max responded, "It was on the Lake of Garda." 

Captain McCully then shared a story to remember about Max. "His unit was quartered in a villa, an Italian villa and it turns out that the writing desk had all of Mussolini's stationary and envelopes and such and so they figured it was Mussolini's villa and he was sleeping in Mussolini's bed."

Credit: Max Gurney

While working for Pan Am for nearly 50 years, Max also befriended, Monaco's Prince Rainier III and Princess Grace, formerly known as Grace Kelly. That family friendship continues, Max will celebrate his 103rd birthday with Price Albert on June 10th in Monaco. 

"I am glad to be alive and breathing," said Max. 

When I asked the hero why he fought for his country, he told me the following without hesitation. "It was something that I had to do, it was a duty, not an obligation but a necessity," said Max.  

Credit: Max Gurney

Max, Royce and their fellow veterans will be forever be known as the 'Greatest Generation', and if you haven't done it already, make sure you shake the hand of a World War II veteran and thank them for protecting democracy.

Max Gurney and Tim McCully want to thank American Airlines, Old Glory Honor Flight of Wisconsin and San Diego Honor Flight for funding and organizing their trip to Normandy. 

Max Gurney says his secret to good health is regular exercise and long-lasting friendships.  

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