SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Calif — Nowadays, many of us have gotten used to Zoom calls, whether it's for distance learning, work meetings, or in our case, interviews for stories.
But, after months of doing this, some are forming what's called zoom fatigue.
Psychologist Jennifer Katzenstein says, “Zoom fatigue is a thing and its compounded by how fatigued we already are."
Jennifer says there are several reasons for this.
For starters, we miss that in person-interaction. Also, when the camera's on, some of us tend to focus more on ourselves.
"You're seeing all of your face, which is a prime opportunity to criticize what we look like and what we're doing and all that compounds and it is exhausting because it's not about day to day meetings, which sometimes were already exhausting," said Katzenstein.
Here are some tips for making your Zoom calls more successful.
Things you should DO on a zoom call:
Things you DON'T do on a zoom call:
Make sure you clean up your background. No one wants to see a mess behind you.
If you really want to step up your Zoom game, there are some gadgets like lights and microphones you can purchase.
RELATED: How is your Zoom meeting etiquette?