SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) – The future of Logan Elementary School is changing, and the plan join it with Memorial Prep is attracting backlash from some parents.
The San Diego Unified School District plans to rebuild Logan Elementary and join Memorial Prep for scholars and athletes as a TK-12 school.
Logan Elementary was built back in the 1940’s and everyone agrees it needs an update, but parents, teachers and students said it does not need to be shared with middle and high school students.
Many who oppose expanding the campus fear bullying and bigger classrooms.
“We might be able to save what we have here because it's working. We weren't broken,” said Kathryn Lloyd, 7th and 8th grade math teacher.
During a site master planning meeting Thursday night, the district’s construction officials met with an angry crowd.
“You guys need to put more money into the facilities, but don’t add other grades,” said Kathryn Lloyd.
The district plans to spend at least $100 million in an approved bond money to rebuild the block where Memorial Prep Middle School sits and adding Logan Elementary to the campus with 1,800 students.
“It's time to do some updating and modernizing and sometimes we modernize by replacing," Lee Dulgeroff, SDUSD Construction Chief.
According to the district, by rebuilding they hope to rebuild their rap – Memorial Prep is under performing, enrollment is dropping as parents bus their kids to other schools.
Students said they want to salvage what they have for future students.
“Logan Heights is a beautiful place, but people do not see the beauty in it. Generations are coming here and we want to the best for them,” said Julio Cedillo, an 8th grade teacher.
Retired teacher Perla Brown said whatever the district does, they are not getting rid of her plaque and picture above Logan Elementary Library.
“I want the district and everyone to know that they have to go through me to take that down,” she said.
Construction is scheduled to start in September of 2017 and is expected to be completed in four to six years.
Officials said each school will be moved to another building on site during their rebuild.
The next community meeting is scheduled for February 24th at Memorial Prep at 6 p.m.