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San Diego Republicans react to President-elect Joe Biden

The Chairman of the Republican Party of San Diego County says there’s no need to rush.

SAN DIEGO — While President-elect Joe Biden moves forward with his transition team, many San Diego Republicans say, “not so fast.” They agree with President Trump that the election is not over.

“President Trump has stood with us for four years and we're going to stand with President Trump until this election is certified,” said Tony Krvaric. 

The Chairman of the Republican Party of San Diego County says there’s no need to rush. With more than 140 million Americans voting in last Tuesday's election, local Republicans say those votes should be counted before declaring a winner and leaders need to make sure those votes were legally cast.

“There are a lot of statistical anomalies that are going on and vote switching and this and that,” Krvaric said. “People may believe it or not believe it, but let's let the process play out.” 

President-elect Joe Biden spoke on Monday about his plans:

Krvaric echoes the thoughts of many President Trump supporters who don't understand how big leads in states like Pennsylvania and Michigan can just evaporate overnight. “It's just bizarre,” said Maryanne Towne outside the Target in Santee. “The whole thing is bizarre. I think it needs to be recounted. I think he's right.”

The GOP has already filed lawsuits in at least five states alleging everything from ballot errors to counting votes that came in too late. “I feel like they need to go to court to settle it,” said Jessica Kychik. “Just to make sure. The last four years all we heard was how that election was rigged and so we need to just prove once and for all it's not - or that it is. You know what I mean?”

Many local Republicans say if it's proven Joe Biden won the election fair and square - President Trump should concede, but win or lose Krvaric says this election has proven that MAGA is alive and well and not going away anytime soon. 

“Republicans are distraught. They're not happy, but there's not one person who is rioting. If anything, they're out there with Trump flags, American flags, supporting their president.”

RELATED: San Diego communities and leaders react to Biden's projected victory

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