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Reaction in San Diego to Biden's executive action to restrict asylum claims at US-Mexico border

"We don't expect the number of migrants to slow down," said Lilian Serrano of the Southern Border Communities Coalition.

SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Calif. — President Joe Biden's executive action to restrict asylum claims at the United States-Mexico border will not stop migrants from trying to come to the U.S., according to the executive director of the Southern Border Communities Coalition.

CBS 8 interviewed Lilian Serrano at the border in San Diego Tuesday.

"We know from experience of other similar announcements, other similar actions, that it won't slow down migration," said Serrano. "Unfortunately when somebody's life is in danger, and they're making the toughest decision of their lives which is to leave their home and everything they know, an announcement by a foreign president is not part of the equation."

Serrano said what she believes will happen, is more migrants will just end up trying to cross the border in more remote areas. She fears it will result in more deaths.

"Politicians would rather come up with headlines and slogans for their campaigns to gain political points versus actually bringing real solutions to the challenges that our communities are facing," she said. "And the ones who end up paying for those political gains are migrants and border communities alike."

Meanwhile, San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond expressed frustration as well. 

He released the following statement:

"For years, the President has told the American public that there is nothing he can do to secure our nation's border. Yet today, he will announce an executive order that still allows thousands of illegal immigrants into the country. This comes a day after we got news of an illegal immigrant from Venezuela who shot two NYPD police officers, having entered through Eagle Pass, Texas, last year.

The President will be handpicking mayors for his announcement from border communities that have seen a significant decrease in crossings, blatantly ignoring the larger crisis.

If the President truly cared about securing the border, he would come to San Diego and see the more than 150,000 people who have been released on our streets or the 52,000 Special Interest Aliens who have crossed into San Diego.

This administration's disregard for our safety and security is appalling. The reality here in San Diego is dire, and the President's empty gestures do nothing to address the ongoing crisis. We need urgent, comprehensive action, not more political theater."

CBS 8 also reached out to Mayor Todd Gloria's office for comment. A spokesperson released the following statement:

“In the face of Congressional Republicans’ continued inaction on legislation to help improve the situation at our southwest border, President Biden is acting decisively. The current system is failing both local communities and asylum seekers; the fact remains that we need comprehensive immigration reform.”

Watch: Activists say migrants will turn to more dangerous methods to cross border

WATCH RELATED: Biden prepares an order that would shut down asylum if a daily average of 2,500 migrants arrive

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