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Helix High alum turns double play of baseball dreams

Jordan Thompson wins the College Baseball World Series and then gets drafted by the Los Angeles Dodgers.

SAN DIEGO — Helix High School alum Jordan Thompson has spent the last three years playing baseball at Louisiana State University.  He was the starting shortstop for the Tigers and worked his way through an ugly slump to finish his college career on a high note as a College World Series champion. The ride continued after he was drafted into Major League Baseball by the L.A. Dodgers in the 15th round of the 2023 draft.

CBS 8's John Howard spoke to Jordan via zoom, here are the highlights from the conversation:

John:  Jordan, you've had quite an exciting last couple of weeks.  Tell me about getting drafted by the Dodgers. What was that like?

Jordan:  Yeah, it was awesome. It's kind of a moment that I've been waiting for my whole life and baseball career. So to hear my name get called in the draft is just a super special moment for me and my family,

John:  You have the option to go back to LSU for another year, or turn pro. Have you made that decision?

Jordan:  I'll be signing my contract on Sunday. It's been a great time at LSU for the past three years. The unbelievable experiences and friendships made and then to go out and win a national championship, to be able to leave on that note was, awesome for me.

John:  What was that experience like, to win the national championship?

Jordan:  I mean, it was super awesome. As a kid growing up, watching the College World Series was something that I did every single year. And, you know, I always wanted to be on that field and dogpile the last game, like all the teams before us had done.  So to be able to be in that moment, it was just unbelievable.  Such a surreal moment.  And you know, something I wouldn't trade for the world.

John:  You didn't suffer any injuries on the dogpile, did you?

Jordan:  No, no.  But I know that does happen.

John:  One of your stories at the College World Series was being in a one-for-30 slump until the championship game.  What was going through your mind as the games went on and on and you just weren't getting it done at the plate?

Jordan:  One of the biggest things that Coach Johnson really puts on our team is being mentally strong, being present and in the moment, as games go on. I'm not really thinking about what I did yesterday or what I did before. It's all about what's happening right now. The days led up to the national championship game, I was just able to get into a groove that last day. I didn't want to go out and not be able to help the team, so I made sure I went out with a bang.

John: And no doubt you did. What was that like to come through in that final game and do as well as you did?

Jordan:  It was awesome. I mean, walking up to the plate my first at-bat and hearing the whole crowd basically screaming my name and chanting my name, it was definitely super special.  It's definitely something I'll never forget.

John:  That is awesome, Jordan.  We appreciate your time and wish you the best moving forward and with the Dodgers.

Jordan: Thank you. I really appreciate it.

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