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Saturate OC holds large religious gathering in Oceanside

On the group's website, it states it encourages people to bring masks and wear them, but video from the event shows hardly anyone listened.

SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Calif. — "Saturate OC", the group that drew criticism for holding a massive worship service earlier this month in Newport Beach, went to Oceanside for its first San Diego County event on Friday.  

The San Diego County Safe Reopening Compliance team showed up to engage and educate, but did not issue citations for the crowd of more than 200 worshipers. 

"Really we are just asking everybody that plans on participating to do the right thing and face coverings and physical distancing," said Gary Johnston, San Diego County Chief Resilience Officer. 

Compliance officers were on site asking organizers to encourage masks and social distancing. Saturate OC announced to worshipers if they didn't want to wear a mask to stay six feet apart. 

"For those if us that are closer than six feet apart if you have one - out of respect of the city - if you could put one on that would be great," said Saturate OC. 

In the crowd of about 200, many were not wearing masks or physical distancing. One worshiper drove down from the San Fernando Valley with his wife. They were wearing masks. 

"If you are a faith believer, you don’t live in fear. [We] certainly have to respect what the government says and we are social distancing and wearing masks," said Frank Corcino, a worshiper. 

Organizers for the group posted a video on Facebook that went viral back in July. Many criticized their lack of social distancing and mask requirements. No one was ticketed for defying public health orders.

"We haven’t had one reported case of getting COVID if someone attending our event," said Jessi Green, Saturate OC Director.

On the group's website, it states it encourages people to bring masks and wear them, but video from the event shows hardly anyone listened.

She said Green said baptisms are a big part of the events.

"You can’t really social distance when you’re baptizing someone in the water but we do encourage people. We provide masks and hand sanitizer," said Green. 

A similar event was also held previously in Huntington Beach.

Last month another church event not connected to Saturate OC held a service that drew thousands to Cardiff State Beach. Many were not abiding by public health orders. Park rangers were there but did not issue citations for public health violations. 

Green said religious groups are being unfairly targeted. 

"We are really big advocates of allowing people to practice their personal rights and their personal free will," said Green. "It’s a little bit of a double edged sword with things just historically with Christians always face a little bit of criticism so you can have protest for one thing and Christians doing the same thing and religions is one of the same things attacked in society."

Saturate OC plans to come back to San Diego County next week for a service in the South Bay. 

RELATED: Concern over another large religious gathering planned for San Diego

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