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Solana Beach residents weigh in on plans to move Del Mar train tracks

SANDAG is considering three tunnel routes to move the tracks off the crumbling cliffs.

SOLANA BEACH, Calif. — San Diego's regional planning agency is looking to reroute the Del Mar train tracks off a crumbling cliff into a tunnel and wants the public's input. At a Solana Beach City Council meeting, residents and a SANDAG representative were able to weigh in on three prospective plans — but they won't be cheap, regardless of the choice. 

"Its a complex project and probably one of the biggest endeavors the agency is pursuing," said a SANDAG representative during Wednesday's meeting.

Three options are under consideration. Option A starts at a portal in Solana Beach at the edge of the Del Mar Fairgrounds, under the lagoon and run along I-5. There are concerns it will impact homes and businesses.

CBS 8 previously reported Option A is the favored choice by many Del Mar residents but Solana Beach's mayor told us earlier this month it would harm her city. Residents who attended the Wednesday meeting have their own concerns.

"We're hoping we can convince SANDAG for B or C as the better option for the people, employment, economy and environment," said Lisa, a Solana Beach resident.

Option B runs through Del Mar which residents there are concerned over. Then there's Option C which has the shortest tunnel and is closest to the coast.

"I do know from experiences that the businesses will suffer. I'm not imagining this I lived through it," said Tina, a Solana Beach resident.

She says her business on Cedros Avenue was impacted years ago when the tracks were lowered. She and others hope to see a compromise and a route that doesn't hurt Solana Beach or Del Mar.

"I believe in the spirit of working together that we have to solve and work together as neighboring cities," Lisa said.

When it comes to cost, SANDAG says Option A is more than $4 billion, Option B nearly $2.3 billion and Option C is $1.85 billion. SANDAG wants public feedback on the track routes and any new ideas. Weigh in online until July 19.

WATCH RELATED: SANDAG invites public to weigh in on Del Mar train relocation

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